Thursday, January 4, 2007

Officially the most trying thing i have ever intentionally done to myself: day 3

other than two years ago, when i compusively obsessed over a greek boy who couldnt have cared less about me.
last night was again, awful. the tea cramps me so, and i was very very hungry. i couldnt drink any more of the lemonade though, as i had already had my alotted 60 oz. in addition, i didnt want to be up all night, the sound of consuming buzzing in my ear like a mosquito.
also, and this is a very strange thing, something about this fast changes the way i sleep. not the position, or anything physical, but the very psychology of it. i always wake with a start, not realizing i was dreaming. i dont lucid dream as a rule, but i hardly wake up frightened to be in reality.
i must have "eliminated" 8 times yesterday. every time, nothing but water. i finally bought some baby wipes. im not kidding. my poor princess bottom. between that and peeing at least 20 times. im not exaggerating.
im not hungry from morning till about 4 or 5. then i start thinking about food. its maddening.

later....ive had THREE you-know-whats today and all of them were "solid". more like yard waste. leaflets of poo. nothing to speak of, bu tmuch more pleasent than the supersoaker effect i had yeasterday.
i tried drinking the saline flush cold today and its much more pleasant than taking it warm. im doing the yoga poses after every 4 oz of water. its working well.
im going down to first thursday art walk tonight AND ive already commited myself to helping my friend laura move on saturday AND go to a drag show. *sigh* me oh my.

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